001: Don't Need No Stinkin' Hands

Ah, the first strip. Which is also quite possibly the single most failed joke I've ever done.
You see, the intent behind Blue's statement is that, since he does not have any hands, it will prove quite difficult to even play Guitar Hero, much less actually beat a high score. But alas, it came out as a simple non-sequitur gag, a not particularly funny one at that.
Also, I do apologize for the atrocious lack of outline. It's quite my fault and rather easily fixed, should I choose to redo this strip at a later point, but I'm refraining from doing so. Much as the art in webcomics matures over time, so does my style. It may certainly be a whole lot easier to fix a wholly digital creation than an inked drawing, but the principle still stands. |
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Alex Moe