008: The World Is Not Enough
Brief contextual note: Orbz were, for quite some time, posted to a forum I operated for a group of friends. A large, open forum requires moderators, of course, both for variety of opinion (such as to not create a dictatorship of sorts) and because of practicality. Orange, at the time, had just been promoted to a position of importance in the library organization, and had also (unrelatedly) been appointed as moderator. Hence the power trip.
For tech-illiterate readers, root access to any computer system is the highest level of access: root users (colloquially admins or sysops, though the three words denote differentiated, if similar, positions) have complete access over all user-controllable aspects of the system. Furthermore, in some systems, root access is permanent. For instance, InvisionFree's forum software automatically assigns root access to the first user (that is, to the first username created, which is that of the forum creator); the software-granted root cannot be removed, masked, or transfered in any way. In this case, it's a safety feature: the owner can't be locked out of their own forum. |
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Orbz and associated material copyright 2007 - 2009 by
Alex Moe