011: The Not Quite So Ultimate Showdown
Anyone who has spent any time online knows of the Pirates v. Ninjas debate. Some people try to weasel their way out of it by claiming that robots can kill them all, Terminator-style, or maybe that the war is irrelevant, since both pirates and ninjas become zombies when bitten. The robot and zombie factions are newcomers, though; when push comes to shove, most people will take sides, acknowledging that there are only two real sides. (Holdouts generally ally robots with ninjas and zombies with pirates.)
My money is on the ninja faction, as may be inferred from the strip. First off, the ninja is superior in hand to hand combat: whereas the pirate flails about wildly, the ninja is trained in the art of sword use and agility. In a ranged battle, the pirate has cannon, but nothing to fire at: the ninja are hard to spot up close, and so hitting them from range is impossible. Lastly, ninjas are significantly more stylish: their black wear, combined with a composed, deadly demeanor gives them a hands-down win over the unkempt, haggard pirate specimen.
And to conclude, the title is adapted from Lemon Demon's famous song "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny" from Dinosaurchestra. |
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