013: You Ever Try Drawing A Dress On A Circle Before?
True story.
Orange went to prom, because that's what upperclassmen do. Not having anyone in particular to go with, he found two female friends with a similar problem. The solution, of course, was for him to escort them both, and prompt the Suave Bastard comment from the teacher at the check-in.
The title, unlike that of so many other strips, isn't a throwaway. Think about it: how would one draw a dress on an Orb? The distinct lack of breast on a circle automatically excludes the vast majority of dress designs from consideration. Also, the fact that an Orb is significantly wider in the middle than the top or bottom means that there is no physical way for a dress-like garment to look flattering on it. Tuxedoes, on the other hand, are significantly more effective.
This strip also introduces the Extras: darker grey for male, light for female. Because sometimes you just need a generic face. |
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Orbz and associated material copyright 2007 - 2009 by
Alex Moe