050: It's Actually Called An Episcopal Mitre
The Roman Catholic Church gives the right to wear the mitre to two groups: bishops and abbots (during their consecration and blessing, respectively). Cardinals are supposed to be bishops, but even if they are not, they still are able to wear it. Also, the Pope gets a mitre, of the style used on the papal coat of arms. (Speaking of which, each Pope may change their coat: Benedict XVI's modification to John Paul II's removed the papal tiara in favour of a mitre.)
Fun facts about Alexander VI: He had four children from one mistress, and no one was really sure where his other three kids came from. He also gave his kids nice big chunks of the Papal States as if they were his property. He's also said to have committed countless murders and poisonings in his quest for power; it's an exaggeration, of course; he probably only directly killed a few folks. When he eventually died, his successor, Pius III, forbade saying Mass for his soul, saying "It is blasphemous to pray for the damned."
On the bright side, Alexander VI was totally chill with Jews. |
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