074: Into The Sunset
James Bomb: Part VI
Just like his silver screen counterpart Q, G is understandably frustrated at Bomb's continual destruction of motor vehicles.
Interestingly enough, the gloves presented are actually real gloves: they are marketed as reinforced law enforcement gloves intended to complement body armour. The glasses are, well, glasses. And the tazer is a recognizable phaser (TNG, phaser type-II, cobra design). The car is, appropriately enough, an Aston-Martin DB9. Also, ironically enough, Bomb's bike is actually an experimental modern bike, made of carbon fiber, with a little electric motor hidden in the pedal assembly. Of course, that would be too easy for Bomb, so for his purposes, it is an old bike.
The figures wearing lab coats (those were ATROCIOUSLY hard to make) in the background are, of course, G's Assistants. In the original Bomb (as in Bond), the assistants scamper around in the background testing things and generally providing comic relief. I tried having them do things in this strip, but it proved far too busy, and so all their dialogue was cut. They look a bit too much like ghosts, sadly. |
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