121: Your Calculations Fail
2008: Part II
Originally, the last panel was slated as a beat panel, with no dialogue, letting the joke speak for itself. During the actual creation process, I found that there was little to no room for much of the dialogue, and so lots of it was cut--nothing important, just a bit more explanation. However, in hindsight, I see two options that would have produced a better end-product: either 1) strike the "right?" and replace it with a simple "um." coming from Blue, or 2) leave the panel blank, as it was intended.
Also, since it is not obvious either here or in any of the following strips: Blue was the one who was supposed to get 94% alcohol. My no-name policy prevents that from being explicitly stated; however, I thought my scripts implied it sufficiently to be clear. Perhaps not, because, upon rereading both this strip and others, either of the other two could be the alcohol-getter, as the grammar is ambiguous. In any case, Blue is the intended person to have screwed up.
In conclusion, we have a plot device now!
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Alex Moe