2008: Part IX
Lots of references here, and I will go through them to explain. First off, the title: 501 is standard HTTP response code for "Not implemented;" i.e., whatever it is you are looking for requires features that are not installed. Technically, the title should be a 404 error for server not found, but I thought that not only was the 404 too stereotypical, but also that the 501 is also applicable, in a twisted way--the title for this strip was not not found, because that would imply it is findable; it simply does not exist--and is not implemented.
As for AVG 9000's speech, well, a few things. He is referred to as "rogue widget" for clear reasons; it strikes me as appropriate. However, the command used ("sudo killall -9 dd") is not only appropriate but also extremely correct. Break it down now:
-- "sudo" is the command for "super user do." In other words, if an administrator is logged on as a regular user, the person can still execute commands that require authorization to run by using "sudo" and entering the sysop password. It is a method to grant temporary, one-time sysop permission to a single command (such as, for example, installing programs, doing large-scale changes, and so forth--anything a normal user cannot do). The use of "sudo" in this context implies that not only is AVG 9000 normally unable to execute (no pun intended) kill commands, but also that it has achieved a level of intelligence (and/or dangerousness) such that it can grant itself authority. And really, folks, if you can run something sudo, you basically own the system
-- "killall" is a tricky command. On pure Unix systems, killall is a command to force-terminate all tasks and processes that the user is able to shut down. (It is something akin to quitting everything, except not only programs but also background processes and the system.) If run by a sysop (including via sudo) then killall effectively stops all processes from executing, shutting down the system. (Something like a hard crash.) On Linux systems, however, the "-all" is not global. The user would list processes after the killall command, and killall would simply shut all the listed programs down. I take this command in the Linux format (even though, might I note, AVG 9000 does not specify a target in the first panel).
-- "-9 dd" The -9 dd code is appended to killall in order to further specify the type of kill command. Generally, a simple kill command would use a relatively weak (in terms of overridability) signal. -9 dd, however, is the code that tells the system to use SIGKILL for the kill command. On any *nix system, there are a variety of different kill commands for different purposes; SIGKILL is the strongest. Whenever SIGKILL is sent to a program, it effectively has top priority. Unlike other kill commands, SIGKILL cannot be intercepted or ignored, even by a program specifically coded to do so. When the signal is received, the target program is not given time to stop executing or clean up; the kill is instant and generally messy. (Addendum: there are only a few things that SIGKILL cannot touch, most of them sleeping processes (since they are not active at the time the command is sent).) (Another addendum: it would be prudent to first send a weaker kill signal as opposed to jumping straight to SIGKILL, which might cause instability. However, AVG 9000 is not taking any chances, and jumping straight to overkill.)
In the second panel, even though it is not visible, he is supposed to be hiding in the Start menu. And yes, there is a typo: AVG 9000 is correct in noting that the Start menu is transparent--on this skin, it is only about 90% opaque. The reason the menu was not there is simply because it is big, and I could not find an adequate way to show it.
Lastly, for those who did not catch it, the reason AVG 9000 kills itself is because it realized that, because it is functioning, it is violating a fundamental law of Windows programs: they may never work properly for more than a few seconds at a time.
In other news, the kill effect in panel three is one of my favourites. |
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