159: Liszting Sanity
Crimson and I were having a Skype conversation in preparation for a night of StarCraft. We were having technical difficulties with different CD keys, and figured that the best thing to do would be to fix the key issue before other people came online. That way, we would be ready to start gaming as soon as possible. Pretty straightforward. And we decided to use Skype to coordinate, because it tends to be efficient.
In any case, at one point, I made a call to someone else. Not particularly wanting to leave my office and disturb my dad, I simply muted my microphone. From his end, it sounded as if the conversation had simply stopped, muted both ways. And so he started singing. Not much, not operatic or anything, but half-humming along to what appeared to be a mishmash of old videogame tunes, recomposed in realtime by the crazy man's brain.
His mic wasn't muted, of course, and so I heard all of this. While I was on the phone.
I finish the phonecall, and wait for a bit--the singing is really hilarious. After maybe thirty seconds, he seems to have reached a crescendo and somewhat-finale, so I unmute my mic. And the dialogue above ensues.
The title of this strip, of course, is a pun on Franz Josef Liszt's name, prodigal pianist and generally famous composer. |
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Alex Moe