188: Code Blue
Funny thing is, despite my attempts, I could not get the ink to bleed, even when messing around with a fountain pen. So the ink is digital. Hah.
The paper, in fact, was particularly strange. I went out of my way to be consistent with it, and I found just the right stuff: the paper is actually aged; the yellowish colour you see is not the result of postprocessing. It's computer paper, of the kind that comes in one long row with holes on the side; a relic from the early 90s. When we upgraded to a non-dot matrix printer in the late 90s, there was still quite a bit of paper left: about two reams, by my estimation. It sat around my room for years, and eventually came to college with me. There's plenty of paper there; it's lasted me for more than a decade, and the box is still more than half full.
It's a LOT of paper. And just so happens to be slightly yellowed, giving it a mature look! |
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