193: It's Automagical
Ah, the magic of modern technology.
I still remember back in the day, when voice recognition was the big thing. Tech books promised us a future where a simple command would suffice to trigger robots that brushed our teeth, gave us coffee and a bacon-and-eggs-breakfast-pill for the road, while turning on our cars and advising us of the traffic. At least, that's what I was promised as a kid.
Strange to think that today is the future. According to the fifties, by now we should have flying cars, evolved beyond money, obtained world peace, and be brokering trade deals with a dozen alien races. What we get is an implosion of the landlocked Big Three, Blagoygoy's selling of Senate seats, almost as many civil wars as yellowbelly reporters to cover them, and we still can't get NAFTA right.
Eh. The only certainties in life are death, taxes, and the Singularity. All hail our robot overlords. |
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