234: Shamed Into Submission
"...but the daffodil is enraged! It springs"
"It casts Flower Power. You're humanoid, so it's super effective!"
"I, uh, step on it."
"Can't do that, man! You're on a wicked trip for the next seven to ten turns!"
"In my ravings I stumble on it and crush it. Dead flower. Can we move on now?"
"No way, man! That would upset the karmic balance of the universe! ...or at least that's what your tripping mind thinks of the situation. The daffodil uses Pollen. Roll an allergy check!"
"Oh frack this. I grab the flower."
"What, I can grab a flower, can't I?"
"By the time we figure out the grappling rules in this context, it'll be winter and the flower will be dead. ...you win."
And that's why we don't play D&D very often anymore. |
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Alex Moe