255: All Mediocre Things

Just as all good things must come to an end, so must all mediocre ones. I refer here not only to the Sphere Trek arc, but rather to Orbz as a whole.
It's been almost two years and over 250 strips since an idea hit on a lazy July afternoon, one that spiraled into something far beyond what I had imagined. All in all, I like to think it's been a good time. Even so.... During all this time, I've gotten nothing out of Orbz, other than the intangibles that some will know of: art for its own sake. And, by and large, that's been okay; I didn't particularly expect anything: from the start I did this solely because it was fun.
And now, unfortunately, it no longer is. Kind of blunt, yes, but it's true. I looked forward to Sphere Trek, which is, in hindsight, the only reason why I finished it; it excites the Trek nerd in me. Regular strips hold no such extra appeal: they're a chore. And, quite frankly, I don't have the time to dedicate into doing something for fun if it isn't fun.
As a fan of quite a few other webcomics, I know it sucks when authors pull the indefinite hiatus trick and keep you hanging, so I won't. I'm formally throwing in the towel, at least for a long while. I'm on strip 255, a fitting number, and at the end of an arc, with our characters flying into a sunset. Appropriate enough. Maybe during the summer, like before, inspiration will strike, and I'll be back. Maybe not. Don't hold your breath.
But who knows. |
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Alex Moe