018: The Gun Helps
Raiders of the Bad Puns: Part V
Plenty of references in this one.
-- The title references the Eddie Izzard monologue about guns, in which people kill people, "but I think the gun helps."
-- "Suave bastard" is metahumour! I think it's a good sign when there's enough material for a webcomic to humorously refer back to itself.
-- The film had the native henchmen armed with bows and blowguns, not spears. But these are easier to do, and allow for the "fine point" pun.
-- Gollum ref in panel three.
-- A simple monosyllabic last name makes for a vast field of available puns. Much like "Emilio Estevez" jokes, if you think hard enough, you can pun it to just about anything. Deus ex moechina is a fairly straightforward one.
-- The fourth of the sound effects in panel three is a reference to a rather old, vintage TV series starring a metaphysical entity.
-- The weapon used in the film was a Colt M1911 pistol, the standard American sidearm for half a century. And, of course, so is the one here.
-- Last panel has two quotes taken, almost word for word, from another famous Spielberg production (except the "good guy" lines are spoken by the bad guy, and vice versa).
-- Orange, in this role, is cast as Rene Belloq, Indy's archnemesis. Rene is identified by a white fedora, snooty dialogue, and Nazi collaboration. Though he is technically French, I use "herr doctor" here simply because it sounds better than "monsieur doctor".
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