126: I'm Afraid He Did
2008: Part VII
Starfields are fun. Generally, whenever I need a stock space image, I hit up APoD (Astronomy Picture of the Day), which is a NASA-run service that showcases one image a day, for like the past five years. But stock starfields are harder to find, particularly good ones. So I make my own. Contrary to popular opinion, it is a fair bit more complex than just adding some white noise to a black bacground; a well-made field can take several hours. Not that the one I used in this image was well-made, that is. Just that I made it.
Yeah, there are a few things in this strip that I would change if it were possible, but hey, too late.
Also, the title derives from the 2001 quotation "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that," in reference to opening the USS Discovery's pod bay doors. The situation here was similar enough (or at least in my head it was) to warrant that title.
Oh, and yes, that is my desktop. Not anymore, but that's the desktop for my tower. |
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