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171: In Case Of Emergency, Use InternComic
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As with Monday's strip, this happened during my internship on the set of Blood Brothers. We were in the middle of rehearsal, and I was writing cues (like I always did during the rehearsals), when my boss noted that I knew the show better than he or the assistant sound designer (the two guys who were on the sound board). Which is true; while they were mixing the rehearsals, I was poring over the script, writing sound cues and executing effects. I still have large parts of dialogue memorized, after working on it for less than two weeks. A record, surely.

The board in the background is a fully fitted DiGiCo D1 Live, the board used by the theatre for that particular show.

Also, the title is a bit unwieldy, but a but more savory than "In Case Of Emergency, Break Intern."

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