172: Operation Aural Assault
Continuing (and finishing) this week's theme of "Things That Happened During The Run Of Blood Brothers," we have Operation Aural Assault.
The rehearsals for the show were broken down pretty simply: we started at noon and went to 4, at which point we broke for dinner, then back by 4:45 for rehearsal until 8. For both periods of time (before and after dinner) there was tech rehearsal, which meant that actors were in costume and wired with roughly $1000 worth of wireless mic equipment each. (IIRC, blue-banded Countryman E6 mics, for those who care.)
So, for those 45 minutes, we all got dinner time. Actors, if they stayed on premises, could leave the mics on; if they left, they had to remove them, for quite obvious reasons (damage, exposure, extremely high value, etc.).
We techies, of course, very glad to break for dinner. So we piled in the Suburban (which was maroon, but hey) and went off to Chipotle. Rounding the art deco corner of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, we caught sight of three people walking down the sidewalk in costume--actors from the show.
As we passed the actors, we slowed down. Way, way down. (No traffic or anything, might I note.) As we passed them, all three of us checked the actors to make sure they were micless. When all three were visually inspected (from the car's tinted windows, of course), one of us shouted "They're clear! Go go go!" and then floored it, hurtling the Suburban towards Chipotle (and delicious delicious food).
The strip is a dramatization of the events. |
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Alex Moe