232: Words Words Words
I really shouldn't do it, because I know I haven't nearly enough time to dedicate to the study of languages. I wouldn't be any good at it either; I'd pick up the cool bits of the language, maybe enough conversational bits to get by, and blow off grammar and the like once I got bored with it. Recipe for disaster.
But, like so many other recipes, it's so delicious!
The title is a reference to a line of Hamlet's (from Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, of course). Hamlet is talking to Polonius, who asks him what he's reading. Hamlet, who is pretending to be mad, replies "Words, words, words." Actors cast in the role of Hamlet tend to have a lot of fun with that line: there being no explicit directions in Shakespeare, it's entirely up to the director and actor as to how they want to play the line. It can be ridiculously hilarious or amazingly somber.
Ah, the wit of the Bard. Maybe I should stick to English instead. |
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