230: The Torment of Alice Cooper
Yeah yeah, it sucks, whatever. Those of us on quarters started class at the end of September; some other variations start courses proper in October. It evens out. (Technically, though, we do have more classes: ten weeks plus a week of finals, times three quarters, is 33; semesters have fifteen weeks plus a week of finals, times two, which is only 32.)
Oh well. More learning indeed.
The title for this strip is an impressive string of references. It is based on the title of a first-season episode of Stargate SG-1, The Torment of Tantalus. That title is a reference to the Tantalus of Greco-Roman mythology, who was condemned to suffer for eternity by having food and water just out of his reach. Alice Cooper wrote the rock hit "School's Out (For Summer)." Woo convoluted titles! |
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